Who Makes the World’s Highest-Rated Cigars?
(based on CIGAR AFICIONADO ratings)
Cigar Aficionado has been rating cigars since 1992 and published about 19,000 ratings. On average only one out of every 440 rated cigars receive a 96 or higher rating. Only two brands have received more than two 96 or higher ratings (ever). No Cuban brand has done so! Oliva V Melanio has accomplished this feat three times. The leader with five 96 or higher ratings is the Padron Serie 1926.
By the way, we have a deep inventory of Padron Serie 1926, 1964 Anniversary, Family Reserve and the regular Padron series. We sell them individually, in samplers and factory sealed boxes. We also have a good supply of Oliva V Melanio and the regular V series. In fact, we have every cigar ever rated 96 of higher in stock (legal for sale), as well as every 95 rated cigar still in production.
By the way, we have a deep inventory of Padron Serie 1926, 1964 Anniversary, Family Reserve and the regular Padron series. We sell them individually, in samplers and factory sealed boxes. We also have a good supply of Oliva V Melanio and the regular V series. In fact, we have every cigar ever rated 96 of higher in stock (legal for sale), as well as every 95 rated cigar still in production.